As I See It

Published on by Roger Karny

Unions... Are they outmoded, or are they still viable? If still viable, how do you think they should be changed? If outmoded, what other protection for workers can you suggest in their place? Has our society, including the workforce, been so atomized in white-collar areas in particular, that organizing group efforts like strikes is no longer practical?

I would be interested in any opinions.

P.S. Please note that the IWW, the Industrial Workers of the World, is still in existence and in fact thriving. The IWW believes the solution to oppression of workers to be one large and inclusive union, made up of grass-roots activists and no authoritarian hierarchy.

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Comment on this post
Thanks, Susan! Just got the comment. Yeah, good observation. States like Illinois and Wisconsin that in the past were strongly union due to immigrants, factory workers and progressive thinkers have surprisingly become lax and complacent. This is what happens. If and when things get bad enough, will honest unions make a comeback as the only way to counter the employer class?
Illinois is now through an extremely rich and totalitarian Govenor trying to rid the Unions of any bargain rights. I don't kno enough abo it exc an inde study by th university of illinois showed that with increased productivity and laws lessening Union strength , workers wages leveled off in the seventies again even th productivity at sa time increased dramatically. Don't wan thi guy Union busting. Also studies showed that as thi happens upper class becomes much more distant to the poor that middle class is no longer and much more crime abounds. Love your writ on vario subjects. susan