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Biden, Boehner, Bergoglio... and o Bama.

What a week! Not only did the Vatican invade us, but also the Chinese. Although why the Chinese would invade when all they have to do is hack us, is a mystery. Anyway! What a show Congress put on Thursday. For whose benefit, you might ask? Pope Francis...

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Portrait of a (Dysfunctional) Family

"The Godfather." Great movie, bad "family." Why are we so enthralled by violence? We must have a violence gene, no matter how hard we try to overcome or overlook it. Must be related to anger and self-righteousness. Anyway, the Corleone family has to rank...

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Contra Dancing

What is Contra Dancing, you ask? It's kind of like square dancing. You get to eventually dance with every person of the opposite sex in the room if you stay long enough, not long, but you do. Here in Denver it meets every 2nd and 4th Friday @ 8 p.m. with...

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Personal Essay titled "The Whole Person"

~~THE WHOLE PERSON By Roger Karny My life has been a combination of the physical and the intellectual, sometimes more of one than the other, but I would guess overall pretty close to fifty-fifty. (This is not counting the other two areas of life that...

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Count Dracula, anyone?

~~ SCARE ME SPITLESS By Roger Karny Did anyone ever kiss you on the neck? (Sure they did.) How about give you a hickey when you were a teenager? Or maybe even bite you on the neck in the throes of passion? (Why not?) Well, what about it, you say? I’m...

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