Testament of Youth

Published on by Roger Karny

In my next life, I'm going to be a movie critic...

The above movie was great - definitely of the artsy-craftsy type, based on the memoirs of a woman nurse from England during WWI. Lost about every male of draft age she was close to, including a bro. and fiancé.

She had started at Oxford when the war broke out - decided she had to leave and do SOMETHING... so they sent her to the front as a nurse. There she got her fair share of blood and guts.

She went back to Oxford after the Armistace in 1918, but had trouble adapting again. The movie ended with an appeal for understanding toward Germany... she spoke against reparations and repayments being forced on them, saying this would only cause bitterness and further warfare.

The reparations and etc. were assessed on the Germans and guess what? They were one of the causes of WWII.

By the way, women at Oxford in the early 1900's were almost unheard of.

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the pen is mightier than the sword!
I am thinking that a film critic career is a good fit for you, much better that the FFL ;)