It's a Headache!!

Published on by Roger Karny

What's a headache, you ask? Sometimes, just about everything!

I think my headaches come from pain and problems with my neck, just plain stress and tension, sinus troubles (due in part of course to our poluted air) and maybe just getting older and not liking it! Maybe diet, dehydration, over-activity, worry, over-thinking, not enough sleep... all these can and do contribute to general pain, other things too, I'm sure. My head says it doesn't want to think so hard as to figure out what else might be hurting it.

So, where does that leave my headache? Aching, of course. Oh, and don't forget TMJ - that wonderful problem with one's jaws. Do YOU clench your jaws? Do you still grind your teeth at night - or maybe during the day too? Enough complaining and analyzing. Time for some remedy! Rest. Tylenol. Diversion/distraction. Relaxation techniques. Self-hypnosis perhaps. Take a vacation. Exercise. Call a friend. Take a shower or bath. Massage. Stand on your head or do a headstand. Eat something. Journal or post your blog. Count your blessings. Soft music. Do a chore, especially one you've been neglecting. Pray. Meditate. Trust your instincts about what you should do. The list probably is quite endless. Take your pick or make up your own to add to the above.

To tell the truth, I'm feeling better now myself! Maybe writing this helped, but doing a handstand just now really felt good and relieving. Plus it's MONDAY :( Can't trust THAT day. Usually for me, getting a good night's sleep the Sunday night before Monday is tough. I tend to stay awake planning, thinking and remembering... even old girlfriends. It's like I'm getting ready to change gears from the easy weekend living to the tougher work week ahead... so sometimes the gears don't mesh too well.

Well, life can be good, but life can be tough too. Ups and downs they call it. You wouldn't know how wonderful it can be if you didn't also know how sh-tty it can be too.

I'm currently reading The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells, that a friend gave me as a present. I plan also to read The Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison soon. How can both a white man and a black man be invisible? (Ellison is African-American) I think both authors are talking about two different kinds of invisibility.

I also went to the Renaissance Festival in Larkspur, Co. yesterday. While the entrance fee was pretty reasonable, about 90% or more of the park was devoted to selling things. Even the performers passed the hat after their shows. But all that said, I enjoyed myself. There were plenty of pretty women provacatively dressed to keep a guy's head moving around and around. Some of the skits were risque, even raunchy. Some were sacreligious. But mostly they were funny. I got a decent-sized and tasty gyros pita sandwich for only $5. It filled me up well. Maybe I got some of the headache from walking around so much at the Festival. Well, I feel better now and am getting tired so I think I'll head for bed! Thanks for reading this, if anyone did!

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Comment on this post
Suppose the headache came from all the head turning on Sunday! Have you tried essential oils for the head ache? I have found that a little peppermint oil rubbed on my temples helps a well as adding some to bathwater for a soak.
Essential oils sound good, except once I added some to bath water and burned heck out of legs.<br /> What Sunday head turning? A tennis match?:)